White Sage approx. 30g (White Californian Sage smudge & chakra)
- 79.00 kr
White sage with rose petals in the 7 chakra colors.
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Approx. 30g, 11-12cm
White sage with rose petals in the 7 chakra colors. Adds an extra layer to your purification ceremony, with the healing scent of rose and the symbolism of cleansing and energizing the 7 chakras.
Some of the rose petals are colored with water-based dye, the most common and eco-friendly option.
White Sage
Smudge sticks or smudge bundles are entirely natural ceremonial incense, traditionally burned in Native American rituals such as sweat lodges. Healers, therapists, and bodyworkers are increasingly discovering the beneficial aspects of these herbs. Smudge bundles are one of the ways people around the world reconnect with the power of Mother Nature. The use of plant and resin smoke may have evolved from the original campfires in distant caves. The ceremony of purifying people, places, and objects through smoke continues today. Not only are they good for keeping pesky flying insects away, certain plant smokes (smudges) can preserve food and hides. Some may also provide protection against unseen spirits and negative thoughts. White sage is burned in purification ceremonies to drive out bad spirits, emotions, or influences. The leaves are valued for their aromatic properties and used as a natural moth repellent. White sage can be used in many ways. Native Americans from the Plains Nations cover the floors of their sweat lodges with sage. They also breathe through a small bundle of sage and sometimes rub the bundle on their bodies while in the sweat lodge.
Note: This product is packaged by weight. The length is just an indication and may vary.