Mesa fabric Q`ero

  • 162.78 GBP

Mesa fabric Q`ero

In stock.
Article Number: 2002

Storlek 60cm x 70cm

These mestanas, or mesa cloths, are more than just textiles – they are living expressions of the ancient wisdom and soul of the Q’ero people, who reside high in the majestic Andes at 5,000 meters above sea level. Each thread is woven with love and reverence, embodying the spiritual heritage of countless generations.

Created by shamans for ceremonial use, these cloths carry profound symbolism. From the soft wool of alpacas to the vibrant colors extracted from nature's treasures, every step in the process is a sacred act. Over months of meticulous work, not only are the threads interwoven, but also prayers, intentions, and energy, which are linked to the person who will carry the cloth.

Each mestana is unique, reflecting the cosmology of the Andes – a universe where everything is interconnected. These cloths serve as the Q’ero shaman's altar, a home for their sacred medicine tools, and a portal to the healing power of the universe. They hold the shaman's unique energy medicine and act as a bridge between humanity and the cosmos, between earth and sky.

To hold a mestana is to feel the breath of history, to be touched by an energy that transcends time and space. It is to carry a piece of the Andes’ soul, a promise of balance, love, and healing.

Mesa fabric

162.78 GBP

Mesa fabric

162.78 GBP

Mesa fabric

162.78 GBP