Watana m tassel
- 14.12 GBP
Watana m tassel
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Mixed colors
Watana – Angel’s Cord
Watana, or Angel’s Cord, is a powerful and sacred band created as part of the deep weaving tradition central to the spiritual practices of shamans. For the Qèro people, these bands are more than just craftsmanship—they are symbols of pure energy, protection, and guidance, carrying the sacred connection between humans and the light beings who watch over us.
These bands are woven to hold and protect the wearer, infused with energy from the higher, unseen worlds. Each thread in Watana carries the sacred vibration that shamans associate with light beings (angels). The band acts as a channel for the pure energy flowing from these light beings, who guide, protect, and provide strength along the spiritual path.
A Tassel at Each End
A distinct feature of Watana is the tassels at each end of the band, made up of three cords. These cords carry deep symbolism: three is a sacred number in shamanism, representing a balanced union of body, soul, and spirit. The three cords in the tassels are a reminder of wholeness and the trinity that underlies all life force and spiritual energy. They also serve as a channel to release and balance energies, further enhancing the protective and guiding force of the light beings.
Usage and Meaning
Wearing a Watana means living in harmony with the invisible, sacred world, always surrounded by the love and protective forces radiating from the higher dimensions. These bands are traditionally used both as cords for the mesa (the shaman’s sacred altar) and as bracelets worn around the wrists, reminding the wearer of being held by the beings of light in all aspects of life.
Length: 125-135 cm
When you wear a Watana, you carry with you a reminder of the protective and guiding power of the spiritual worlds. It is to walk through life knowing that you are supported by the presence of light beings—protected, strengthened, and guided on your journey.